Hello, my name is Lisa Caldwell and I specialise in helping people with tinnitus.
Lisa's Story
In 2005, The Hearing Coach founder Lisa Caldwell lost hearing in her right ear and gained buzzing tinnitus. Feeling lost, Lisa began a multi-year journey of discovery, researching, and experimenting with a variety of tinnitus solutions. She uncovered a natural process called mindfulness meditation which became the key to unlocking a rich and fulfilling life, even with tinnitus. Now certified as a mindfulness meditation instructor, Lisa has developed customizable tools and training designed to teach others and improve the lives of millions who struggle with tinnitus every day.
Mindfulness-Based Tinnitus Management™
The course teaches tried and tested techniques that help you to:
• Reduce your experience of tinnitus
• Improve your quality of life
• Reduce stress, anxiety and depression
• Improve fatigue and sleep
• Optimise focus and positivity
• Answer “why me” and “what if…”
The course is tailored to you, and the challenges you experience with tinnitus. You and I will meet once a week on Zoom, for a period of 8 weeks.
If you’d like to know more about how my coaching or mindfulness training can give you your life back, visit my www.thehearingcoach.co.uk or email [email protected]
I took an 8-week course to help with my chronic pain. It made so much difference that I researched whether mindfulness could help me with my tinnitus too.
The answer was a definite YES! So much so that I trained to become a Certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher.
Through regular use of the mindfulness practices I teach in the course I am much better able to cope with my tinnitus. It’s still there, but I am less aware of it and no longer worried about it. I control how I respond to my tinnitus – it no longer controls me.
And that is a huge relief!
I set up The Hearing Coach to use my experience of tinnitus and hearing loss to help others who find themselves in this new and often-times distressing world. As well as providing coaching I’ve created a bespoke mindfulness course specifically for people with tinnitus –
Tinnitus Pathway