Veterans’ Coffee Mornings With UKVHF

Veterans' Coffee Morning Photo

The UK Veterans Hearing Foundation is proud to be an active participant in the monthly Armed Forces Veterans’ Coffee Mornings held in Hinckley. These gatherings provide a wonderful opportunity for veterans, their families, and carers to come together, share refreshments, and enjoy good company in a welcoming environment.

A Place for Connection and Support

These coffee mornings, which take place on the second Wednesday of every month at The Green Rooms, Masonic Hall on St Mary’s Road, offer more than just a chance to socialise. They provide veterans with access to valuable advice, support, and a chance to connect with others who share similar experiences. For many veterans, these gatherings are a vital source of community and comfort.

We at UKVHF regularly attend these events, engaging with the veterans and offering information about the services we provide. It’s a wonderful chance for us to meet veterans face-to-face, listen to their stories, and ensure they know that support is available to them.

The Importance of Community for Veterans

Community support plays a crucial role in the lives of veterans, especially as they transition from military to civilian life. Events like these coffee mornings not only provide a space for veterans to share their experiences and challenges but also helps to combat feelings of isolation that can often accompany life after service.

These gatherings foster a sense of belonging and camaraderie, reminding veterans that they are not alone. At UKVHF, we recognise the power of these connections and are committed to supporting such initiatives that bring veterans together, offering both social interaction and access to the help they may need.

Upcoming Dates for Coffee Mornings

We encourage all veterans and their families to join us at these monthly coffee mornings. Here are the upcoming dates for the remainder of 2024:

  • September 11, 2024
  • October 9, 2024
  • November 13, 2024
  • December 11, 2024

Each session runs from 10 am to 12 noon, and admission is free. Whether you’re a regular attendee or considering coming for the first time, these mornings are an excellent way to stay connected with your local veteran community.

Join Us for the Next Coffee Morning

We look forward to seeing both familiar and new faces at the next coffee morning. It’s a great opportunity to relax, enjoy some refreshments, and connect with others who understand the unique experiences of veterans. We’re here to ensure you feel supported and valued.

Let’s continue to build a strong, supportive community for our veterans!

Want to support a veteran?

If you would like to join our mission to help veterans across the UK then consider donating to our foundation! 100% of the proceeds go towards supporting a veteran.

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