UKVHF Fundraising Event at ASDA – July 2024

Rachael at UKVHF ASDA Fundraising Event July 2024

On July 22nd, 2024, the UK Veterans Hearing Foundation had the pleasure of hosting a fundraising event at the ASDA shop in Hinckley. Our manager Chloe Knott and our administrator Rachael Payne represented the foundation, engaging with the local community, raising awareness about our mission, and collecting donations to support veterans with hearing loss and associated tinnitus.

Our Goals for the Event

The primary goals for this event were all crucial aspects of making UKVHF’s mission possible. By participating in this community event, we aimed to:

  • Fundraise:

Our ongoing efforts to provide hearing aids and essential services to veterans heavily on the generosity of the public. This event was an important opportunity to raise much-needed funds to continue our work. Every donation, no matter how small, contributes directly to improving the lives of veterans who struggle with hearing loss and associated challenges.

  • Raise Awareness:

Another key objective was to raise awareness among the local community as to who we are and the critical issues our veterans face due to hearing loss and tinnitus as a result of their service. Most people are unaware of the extent to which these issues can affect veterans’ daily lives, from communication difficulties to social isolation. By raising awareness, we hope to gain more support and understanding from our community.

  • Connect with the Community:

Building strong relationships with the local community is at the heart of our efforts. This event was not just about fundraising, but also about engaging with the public, answering their questions, and sharing stories about the veterans we serve. By connecting with the local community, we aim to create a feeling of shared responsibility and encourage more people to get involved in our cause.

UKVHF ASDA Event Stall

The Event’s Success

Throughout the day, Chloe and Rachael interacted with many ASDA customers, sharing information about UKVHF’s vital work. We were thrilled to see so many people stop by, chat, and support us with donations.

Thanks to the kindness of those who contributed their loose change, we raised £81.71 in total. It may seem small, but every penny counts in our mission to support veterans with hearing loss.

We also used this opportunity to raise awareness about our charity and bring smiles to many faces.

Looking Forward

We’re excited to announce our return to ASDA on September 16th and November 25th, 2024. These events will help us continue fundraising, connect with more people, and spread awareness about veterans’ hearing loss challenges.

We extend heartfelt thanks to everyone who stopped by, donated, or offered encouragement. Your support significantly impacts the veterans we serve.

Stay tuned for updates and events, and join us at our next ASDA fundraising event!

Want to support a veteran?

If you would like to join our mission to help veterans across the UK then consider donating to our foundation! 100% of the proceeds go towards supporting a veteran.

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