Bernard Gryzelka – My Time In Service

My Story: I joined the armed forces on 14th September 1964. In initial training we were at the firing ranges twice a week, we learned to fire small arms 22…

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The Anniversary of the Battle of Crécy

Today marks the 675th anniversary of the end of the Battle of Crécy, a momentous conflict that was to determine the fate of Calais for more than two centuries, and…

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Anniversary of the Battle of Blenheim

Perhaps one of the greatest yet most overlooked British victories in military history, the Battle of Blenheim (or Blindheim in German) marked on this date in 1704 a turning point…

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Royal Navy Veteran’s Journey

Time in the Navy: Mr Ernest Chapman was on a submarine frigate based in Japan/Singapore and in Suez. He was in charge of 4 inch guns on the quarterdeck. No…

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Andrew Lundie Army Veteran

Andrew's Military Service: Mr Lundie served within the forces from 1963-2002. He was in the Army- Infantry from 1963-198, Sultans Armed Forces 1980-1987, and TA 1987-2002. Being in the Infantry…

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Anniversary of the Battle of Passchendaele

On this day 104 years ago, the Third Battle of Ypres, also known as the Battle of Passchendaele, began on the Western Front. The battle has remained controversial ever since,…

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Royal Navy Veteran Mr Steve Greenley

Mr Greenley's time in the Navy: Mr Greenley was in the Navy for 24 years. Initial training involved firing weapons on the range with poor hearing protection. After training, his…

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Amazon Smile

Do you shop on Amazon? Then add SMILE onto your search and each time you purchase you can support the UK Veterans Hearing Foundation by nominating us.   What is…

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Army Veteran Mr David Smith

Mr Smith served within the Army from 1977 to 2000 in the Royal Corps Transport and the Royal Logistic Corps. How his hearing affected his daily life:  Mr Smith teaches…

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Anniversary of the Battle of Britain

Anniversary of the Battle of Britain What General Weygand called the Battle of France is over. I expect that the Battle of Britain is about to begin. Winston Churchill’s words…

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