Helping Veteran Gerald Inott Hear Again

Veteran Gerald Inott

Our sole mission at the UK Veterans Hearing Foundation is to support the brave men and women who have served our country, ensuring they receive the care and assistance they deserve. Today, we’re sharing the story of Mr. Gerald Inott, a veteran of the British Army whose service has left a lasting impact on his hearing health.

Mr. Inott’s Background

Mr. Inott served in the British Army from May 1976 to October 1989 as part of the IWFR regiment. His years in the service took him to various operational tours, including deployments in Belize, Northern Ireland and the USA. During his military career, Mr. Inott served as a machine gunner, a demanding and dangerous role that exposed him to high levels of noise on a regular basis. Despite the resilience required for this position, his exposure to such intense sound environments resulted in hearing damage that has followed him throughout his life.

Hearing Loss from Service

The role of a machine gunner inherently involves exposure to extreme noise levels. While advancements in hearing protection have been made in recent years, during the period when Mr. Inott served, hearing protection was not always available to military personnel. This meant that service members like Mr. Inott were often exposed to dangerously high noise levels without adequate protection, increasing the risk of long-term hearing damage.

In addition to his hearing loss, Mr. Inott suffers from what he described as ‘very bad tinnitus’ – a constant ringing in the ears that can be debilitating. Unfortunately, his condition is further complicated by Meniere’s disease, an inner ear disorder that caused episodes of vertigo, fluctuating hearing loss, and severe balance issues. The combined impact of these conditions has taken a toll not only on his physical health, but also on his mental wellbeing.

How We Helped Mr. Inott

Recognising the complexity of Mr. Inott’s hearing profile, we at the UK Veterans Hearing Foundation knew that he needed more than just standard hearing aids. To effectively manage his hearing loss and tinnitus, we equipped Mr. Inott with a pair of advanced hearing aids tailored to his specific needs. These devices are designed to improve his ability to hear clearly, while also helping to alleviate some of the symptoms of his tinnitus.

Unfortunately, hearing aids of this calibre are not readily available through the NHS, which is why our support was crucial in ensuring Mr. Inott received the best technology to enhance his quality of life. Through our intervention, we were able to provide him with a solution that offers comfort, clarity, and support for both his hearing and his mental health.

Mr Inott equipped with hearing aids
Mr Inott hearing aid photo 2

Our Mission Continues

We are incredibly happy to have been able to support Mr. Inott and make a positive difference in his life. Stories like his remind us why our mission to support veterans is so important. Every donation we receive helps us provide advanced hearing technology and support services to veterans like Mr. Inott, improving their ability to engage with the world around them and giving them back some of the quality of life they deserve.

It is thanks to the generosity of our donors and partners that we can continue our work and change the lives of those who have bravely served for us.

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